Heroin Addiction Research Paper

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Heroin Addiction Treatment

We, human beings are susceptible to feelings. We get jealous, happy, sad, angry, disappointed and sometimes, we are vulnerable to pain. It is hard for us to overcome pain especially the severe ones. It is natural for us to ignore the pain in its minimal state however, once it becomes unbearable, we seek help from our doctor for them to help us ease the pain that we are feeling. Doctors are prescribing painkillers for us to relieve from pain. One of those painkillers is heroin.
But, what do we know about heroin? Isn’t it bad for our health? For further understanding of heroin, let us know first what it is and its foundation.
Heroin is one of the opioid painkillers similar to morphine and codeine. Heroin is used as an analgesic, cough suppressant, and antidiarrhoeal. Heroin was made first in 1874 by C.R. Alder Wright. It is …show more content…

1 and 2 are the unprocessed heroin (salt or base). No. 3 is “brown sugar” which is used for smoking and No.4 which is the purest is a white powder (salt) that can be easily dissolved and injected.
How can heroin be used? Heroin can be used by injecting, sniffing or snorting because it is two to four times more effective than morphine and has faster effect. It is usually in a white or black powder form which is called “black tar heroin” and often, smokable. Once heroin got into the body by smoking, sneezing or snorting, the drug rapidly transports to the brain which causes changes in it. However, once heroin is taken by the body, health is at risk and also, risk of addiction is very high. Due to the changes of the brain, the body will seek for the drug even if consequences are known.
Heroin affecting the Brain
Once the heroin enters our brain, it is converted to morphine that binds to molecules on cells which is called opioid receptors. Opioid receptors are located in many areas of our brain and in our body especially in our brain stem that controls life’s processes such as arousal, blood pressure and

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