Reading Philosophy Essay

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Philosophy of Reading Reading is essential. I believe the ultimate goal for all educators is to provide students with the necessary tools that will expand students reading skills throughout school and in life. I believe teaching reading is the most important job for a teacher. Reading is necessary to making it, and being successful in society. Reading is an essential, it needs and be must be taught thoroughly. Its also a vital part of lasting literacy and therefore must be properly taught. It is a foundation of learning throughout all subjects and is a part of all instruction. Not only is reading important throughout school, but its also important throughout life. How do you intend to foster Reading and Language Arts in Early Childhood …show more content…

Young children are able to display a variety of language and literacy abilities. For example, they love to create stories and play pretend to communicate( Koraalek, 2011) so teachers should utilize and support the multiple ways students communicate. Planning and thinking is major when fostering reading and language arts in the early education classroom. Through instruction we are able to choose engaging materials and give students a choice opportunities. This will help build interactions. You can also connect to student’s personal experiences. Instead of just asking closed ended questions tell students stories. By giving them a chance to listen to your stories it will motivate them to tell their own stories, and this allows teachers to tap into a child’s prior knowledge and experiences. Article: Barbara Rando, Evelyn A. O’Connor, Karen Steuerwalt, and Michelle Bloom (July 2014) Rap and young children: Encouraging emergent literacy. NAEYC’S Young Child 2(3). 28-33. Summary: The article mostly focuses a strategy teachers are using called RAP to encourage emergent literacy. Teachers used the RAP strategy to provide students with a purpose for reading. Students can benefit from using RAP in several ways because it promotes phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, and oral language skills. The RAP strategy was designed to help guide students expansion of learning skills and

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