
Real Merger Paper

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Analysis of Real Merger/Acquisition Cases Name Institution The conditions in the market that companies experience are in an invariable state of change, which forces company managers to arise with new ideas to assist in competing and keeping businesses significant to contemporary customers. Strategic planning depicts the procedure a company uses to verify how to achieve its objectives and its mission. Many mergers and acquisitions are now failing for the reason that correct procedures and guidelines are not followed during the integration process. Companies have given various different reasons for their venture to merge (Straub, 2007). Some merge to expand their market share, acquire new lines of technology and distribution and …show more content…

Most companies conduct a SWOT analysis. . A SWOT-analysis is a common strategic planning tool, which assists managers in evaluating the possibilities that can be brought about by a certain project or product. It can be best described as an analysis of the external and internal environmental features executes as a section of bettering the organizational approach. The term SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and the Threats that any company may face when undertaking its daily duties of satisfying the consumer wants and at the same time make profits. A S.W.O.T framework involves composing lists of the internal strengths and weaknesses a business that are relevant to a certain project and then creating lists of opportunities and threats that exist outside of the company that could impact the project (Cartwright & Cooper, 2012). In a SWOT analysis, the list of weaknesses and strengths are indicated in the first row, whereas those of threats and opportunities are in the second row. In this arrangement, it is easier to separate the external and the internal factors, and in addition the positive and the negative factors. Some Companies Conduct a Gap Analysis. This analysis helps in evaluating the current situation of the company putting in mind the vision and the goals of the company. A Gap Analysis helps evaluate where the company is expected to be after …show more content…

had a huge customer base and a product and sales distribution channel that functioned very well. This is why it had decided to join hands in order to rule the US market. Sage Group is very good when it comes to marketing but not doing well in the sales and distribution channels where State of the Art Inc functioned perfectly (Cartwright & Cooper, 2012). When we focus on the merger between Compaq and HP, they just merged to compete with their rivals. A merger requires you compete and at the same time produce goods and services that satisfy the desires of the customers. Sage and State of the Art Inc. CEOs knew each other long before the companies merged. They knew each other’s objectives and they knew they could work together to make the merger a success. The two CEOs were also focuses and knew their weak points which required a boost. The two companies merged putting in mind that they have to succeed. They already had the knowledge of each other’s practices and ideas and this worked to their

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