Reasons For American Colonists Justified In Declaring Independence From Great Britain

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Justified Separating From Great Britain Great Britain sent people to America to set colonies and make benefits from them. After British government started to taxing the colonists unfairly and rule them tyrannically, American Colonist wanted to get out of Great Britain’s control. So it is justified for American Colonist in separating from Great Britain by declaring independence because of Britain’s tax and tyranny. American Colonist’s declaring independence is justified because the British government tried to collect increasing amount of arduous tax and monopolized tea. The colonies were taxed unconstitutional by Britain. In document #10, Charles F. Adams recounted the story that British passed Stamp Act to tax paper products without colonist’s …show more content…

The parliament tried to bind colonies and Great Britain together using force. In document #6, Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson claimed the British officials’ power was unlimited and colonists could not tolerant the tyranny of British. Great Britain tried to control the colonies using force and it made colonists feel angry so they could only declare independence to stop the tyranny. Also, the colonists did not like the King of Great Britain. Colonists think the King injured the colonies over and over again. In document #12, the Declaration of Independence displayed the King’s history was repeated injuries and usurpation so he was unfit to be the ruler. The King had the character of a tyrant in the colonist opinion so they did not think the King could be a good ruler so they did not want to belong to Great Britain. Most importantly, the British soldiers killed a colonists. Soldiers killed colonists in the colony while their job is to bind colonies and Great Britain. In document #4, the painting of Paul Revere, the member of the Sons of Liberty, presented Boston Massacre - British soldiers attacked colonists publicly and caused death in a colony. This attack conveyed how violent the British was and indicated the reason why it was justified to split from Britain, a country full of