A series of unfortunate events, is what led to Blanche Dubois’ downfall. Blanche’s actions in response to her husband’s suicide and losing her house caused her to be viewed as a pretentious prostitute in the town she lived in. Blanche tries to start a new life in New Orleans but is never able to get away from her terrible past and only keeps encountering problems. Blanche Dubois’ downfall was caused by her husband 's suicide, losing her house and job, and finally when Stanley exposes her.
One of the main reasons that led to Blanche’s downfall was due to her husband’s suicide. One night before Blanche and Allan, her husband, went to a dance Blanche found Allan in a room with an older man. Later that night at the dance, Blanche told Allan that he repulsed her because of his homosexuality. This small action although just words, is what lead to Allan’s suicide. After Allan had committed suicide, Blanche felt extremely guilty
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Stanley, Stella’s husband, was not fond of Blanche. Because of this he hires someone to look into her past to see if she was who she was saying she was. While doing so Stanley encounters the ugly truth about Blanche’s past which she had been trying so hard to hide from her sister and Mitch, a man she was seeing and hoping to get married to. Never the less when Stanley exposed who she really was to Mitch he found her unfit and too filthy to introduce to his mother so he ended things. All of that was not enough for Stanley; he wanted Blanche gone so he bought her a bus ticket for her birthday. In the meantime Stella was pregnant and was ready to have a baby Stanley brought her to the hospital one night only to come home the same night without Stella because she was not due for another day. That night that he came home, while he was alone with Blanche he picked her up and brought her to the bedroom and raped her. This action caused Blanche to lose her grip on life