Reasons For Dropping The Atomic Bomb

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Try putting yourself in president Truman’s place how would you have dealt with Japan? Make a treaty or just try and completely destroy them? The U.S. and president Truman had a very hard decision to make dealing with Japan. Although there was several reasons to not drop the atomic bomb, the U.S. had good reason for the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were justified due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, to keep the nation safe, and to stop the Japanese empire from becoming any stronger. On December 7, 1941 Japanese bombers flew over the U.S. base in Pearl Harbor Hawaii destroying much of the U.S. navy which was stationed there. One large reason to drop the atomic bomb was because of Pearl Harbor and the effect it had on the U.S. They had embarrassed us at Pearl Harbor by completely destroying the American battleship U.S.S. Arizona and capsizing the U.S.S Oklahoma. The bombing also beached or sank twelve ships and …show more content…

Japan had never been completely defeated and seeked world domination. Their army consisted of over 3 million Japanese fighting led by Hirohito. The Japanese army also would never retreat or surrender they were taught to kill the enemy or kill yourself trying never give up. They would try and kill themselves before ever becoming a prisoner of war or to be captured by the enemy. Japan also had a cockiness to them they thought that they were invincible and nobody could destroy their army. The bombing of Pearl Harbor also boosted their confidence. When their pilots returned from bombing Pearl Harbor they were cheered for and seen by the Japanese as a hero. In conclusion, it was the right thing for the U.S. to drop the bomb on Japan. The world hated Japan and it helped us end the war completely with them. It also helped us prove to the world all the power we contain and how easily we could destroy them. The 2 billion dollars spent on the invention of the atomic bomb was worth