Reconstruction Argumentative Analysis

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Reconstruction was an attempt to rebuild the country after the Civil War and tried to end the hatred between the North and South. In Reconstruction, the South was getting ready to come back to the USA after the Civil War. Reconstruction was supposed rebuild the South physically, and it was supposed to change the South’s thoughts on full equality for all races. The South thought that whites should always be superior, and that full equality should never happen. The North thought that equality was what should happen. Their thoughts made them so different that they despised each other. Reconstruction was an attempt to end the hatred and differences between the two parts of the US. Reconstruction deserves a grade of D because Reconstruction did end slavery, but the South also almost went back to the way …show more content…

(Slides, 12) Freedmen had to pick cotton even though it was the last thing they wanted to do. Sharecropping was when the freedmen lived with their masters, planted on their land, and gave them some crops in return for shelter, cloths, tools, and food. Freedmen often do not have enough knowledge to earn money any other way because when they just got out of slavery they did not have an education. Former slave masters would let freedmen stay on their land for half of the crops they made. Sharecropping was when the freedmen lived with their masters, planted on their land, and gave them some crops in return for shelter, cloths, tools, and food. Sharecropping was similar to slavery because the freedman grew cotton for their masters and earned no money because they owed their masters to much for the clothes and tools they needed. Even though they were making money from their crops, they were in debt to their former masters their whole lives so the sharecroppers could never move. This decreased the grade dramatically. Also, the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws are another example of how the South went back to the way it was. Another example was the Black Codes.