Reconstruction Dbq

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After the Civil War the era of the Reconstruction began with the 13th Amendment which President Abraham Lincoln's announced as the Emancipation Proclamation in 1883. The 13th Amendment was a huge deal because it eliminated slavery and obligatory servitude. After Lincoln's assassination in April 1865 his successor Andrew Johnson became the 17th president. He also was the first president to be impeached, but he was not removed from office he only served one term from 1808-1875. Despite the initiation of the reconstruction president Andrew Johnson was not a supporter of the Republican Party which most of them come from the northern states. In fact President Johnson placed a pardoning towards the southern state which resulted in reliving from punishment. …show more content…

Which, was due to the veto from President Jonson against Freedmen’s Bureau bill and the Civil Rights bill the radical republicans retaliated by passing through congress the Reconstruction Acts. These Acts were set up in two part fist the 14th Amendment and second the 15th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was written by Senator Jacob M. Howard of Michigan on July 9, 1868. The 14th Amendment gave equal rights and protect to all citizens and to all who were born in the United States along with all the slaves who emancipated after the Civil War. The 15th Amendment was passed 1870 this assured any person of color or from previous condition of servitude the right to vote. This essentially gave the opportunity for African American kids to go to school. At this point the radical republican had full power over congress and the Military Act was passed which divide the southern into five districts. The 1st district was Virginia, 2nd North Carolina and South, 3rd Georgia, Alabama, Florida, 4th Mississippi and Arkansas, and 5th Texas and Louisiana. The re-admittance of the southern states to the union placed new requirements which require a new election for new state legislatures and governments under the new constitutions. The states were re- admitted to the Union between July 9, 1868 and July 15, 1868. The Enforcement Act would come after the rise of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The Enforcement Act was a series of …show more content…

A modern society was opening doors for African American, but with restrictions. Throughout the reconstruction era opportunities were opening for African American, but with limitation. During the reconstruction era many black soldiers severed in the military this gave them freedom, they received equal pay among their white peers in the Navy; also 16 black men received Medal of Honor for their heroic action in the Civil War, and most importantly it set black soldiers minds to become leaders in the political realm. In 1870 the first black Senator would filled an empty seat in congress Hiram Revels represent Mississippi. A further step for the equality of African American was the 13th and 14th Amendment. The 13th Amendment was written by James Mitchell Ashley who was a U.S. congressman and was passed pass by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by the House on January 31, 1865. The 13th Amendment eliminated slavery and obligatory servitude. The significant of the Thirteen Amendment was huge because it was the first time slavery was on written in the Constitution. The Fourteen Amendment was written by Senator Jacob M. Howard of Michigan on July 9, 1868. The 14th Amendment gave equal rights and protect to all citizens and all who were born in the United States, along with all the slaves who were emancipated after the Civil War. The Freeman’s Bureau was established in 1865 it