Recycling Of Waste In America Essay

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People in America should dispose of waste in an environmentally friendly manner, because when they fail to do so it hurts the environment. Such as when you no longer need something like clothes, dishes, batteries, oils, and plastic. If you dispose things correctly, you are helping yourself and everyone around you. Everything you can think of has their own place after you no longer have use of it. There are different methods to recycling, where specific things fall under which help to reduce the amount of waste that going into landfalls. We can also turn our waste into energy as another country does. Starting by explaining what a landfall is. A landfill is where trash or waste is left, it is a hole in the ground where the waste is placed and then covered by soil. At first it was not such a big problem, but now that there is an estimated percent of 7 billion people on earth it is. Each person make about 4.5 pounds of waste every day” (tara) . This …show more content…

The best way I found that helps reduce the amount of waste that goes the landfalls occurs in Sweden. In Sweden they recycle everything that can be reused. The best part is not that they recycle but instead they turn waste into energy. Wondering how? Sweden has a company called that creates energy for a quarter of a million houses. The waste Sweden processes is not enough to generate energy for the homes and businesses, so they also import waste from neighboring countries. Although we may not be able to get this started here in the United States without the government taking action we can still help reduce our waste. This can be done by recycling on our own, and the best part of it is that there are different forms to manage your waste and also that there are companies here to help us in different ways to take things we no longer need and changes them in which they can be useful and also help us recycle

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