Red Scarf Girl Essay

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Has your life ever changed so much from being normal to extremely sad? In the memoir, Red Scarf Girl, A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution, by Ji-li Jiang, she tells us about her experience as a young girl during the Chinese Revolution. Ji-li has changed over the course of her story because before the Cultural Revolution, she was happy, but during the Cultural Revolution she was sad. Before the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Ji–li was happy. A quote that shows this in the text is, “I was happy because I was always loved and respected. I was proud because I was able to excel and always expected to succeed.” (Prologue, 4.) This shows that she is loved and respected, which makes her happy. Another quote that proves that Ji-li was happy is, “They hoped that I would be the happiest girl in the world. And I was. Prologue, 2-3 p.m. This quote shows that Ji-li was supposed to be happy, and she was happy. Both of these quotes prove my claim that …show more content…

I know this because from the text it says, “I could not believe it”. My name is ‘My Name’. Why do you need to be a member? I’m not a teacher. Why would they write a da-zi-bao about me?’ I could feel my heart race.” (Writing a Da-Zi Bao, 42.) This shows that when her heart raced, she felt scared, and surprised. She was also talking fast, I know that because her heart was racing, and talking fast means that you're scared and sad. Another reason why Ji-li felt scared and sad is that from the text it says, “I started to write ‘Happy Birthday’ on the frosted windows. The melted ice dripped down the window slowly and crookedly, like tears.” (Locked up, 66) This shows how she was describing her birthday as tears. Which means she was sad on her birthday. Her dad was also locked up that day. So there is a reason why she is sad, and scared she might not meet him in person for a long time. Both of these quotes show that the Chinese Cultural Revolution changed

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