Redemption In Macbeth

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Redemption is a strong word that is not given often but given out of empathy. In the dictionary, it is defined as “deliverance from sin; salvation.” (, “Redemption”) Redemption is the common phrase of “giving a second chance” or “forgiveness”. The true question still lies, is Macbeth redeemable or irredeemable?
Opening of the play
Macbeth by William Shakespeare opens at the beginning of the witches conspiring about their future plans, where they shall meet again on the battlefield. Macbeth and Banquo are returning to the King’s castle in Forres to celebrate the victory they just faced. The three witches give three prophecies, Macbeth: Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and King and Banquo: father of kings. As they arrived at the castle of Duncan, Macbeth is bestowed with the township of Cawdor. Stunned, he writes of the prophecies to his wife, Lady Macbeth. Being overly ambitious, she prepares plans for them …show more content…

Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are both driven by ambition that becomes fatal. Shakespeare is telling us that if our ambition goes unchecked, it will lead to our demise. (Schlachter, David. Macbeth—Response.), one critic stated. Ambition led to the killing of Duncan and Lady Macbeth’s death.
Tragic Hero characteristics
As read in Mrs. Horne’s notes (Horne, “Shakespeare’s tragic hero”), a Shakespearean tragic hero is a “man of noble stature, a man with potential greatness and tragically-flawed,” in Macbeth’s case his flaw was his lust for power, an example was his intention of killing the God-like King Duncan for power and to gain the throne.
It was not compulsion to kill Duncan.
He wasn’t hypnotize or forced to kill King Duncan, many might believe, the three witches merely gave him the idea of being King with their predictions. They cannot force man to succeed by executing their own plans, it was merely man’s choice to act upon the knowledge of the prophecies.