Rediscovery Of Crime Victims Essay

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The rediscovery of crime victims can be defined as bringing attention to a certain victim or victims to spread awareness about the plight of the victim and supply support or advocate for a solution or improvement. The rediscovery of crime victims has improved over many years, especially from three social movements: The Law-and-Order social movement, the Women’s movement, and the Civil Rights movement. The Law-and-Order movement was a result of unsatisfied citizens who recognized how flimsy the line of law enforcement was. In short, they saw the law enforcement and criminal justice system as a bunch of pushovers. Penalties were nowhere near harsh enough for criminals and the rules were full of loopholes that were relentlessly exploited. This social …show more content…

Activists helped raise awareness about how unfairly victims were being treated because of how the offenders were being spoiled and how gently they were being treated for being offenders. Another social movement that greatly contributed to the rediscovery of crime victims is the Women’s movement. Feminists were enraged with how women were being treated in the criminal justice system. Focusing primarily on women who were victims of rape or battering. Many vocalized their unhappiness about the male-dominated criminal justice field not giving them the recognition they needed as a victim. “Girls and women victimized by boys and men cannot count on the privileged males at the helm of criminal justice agencies to lead the struggle to effectively protect or assist them—instead, women must support and empower each other” (pg. 55). These activists brought awareness and formed a sense of community for the victims, heavily contributing to the rediscovery of rape and battering victims. The third and final social movement that contributed to the rediscovery of crime victims is the Civil Rights movement. This movement was formed from mainly people of color who were tired and fed up with the discriminatory actions against