Reflection Essay On Substance Related Disorders

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Reflection Paper: Substance Related and Addictive Disorders
Guest Speaker Overview This presentation was different than the last guest speakers we had multiple speakers lecturing on the issue of substance related disorders. To start with our main speaker was Stephanie Stout, she has a BA, CPSS. Life Core/Health Group-Addiction Services is where she is employed as a Recovery Support Counselor. Stephanie Stout is a recovering addict and believes meeting are extremely important in the recovery process. As a result she participates in Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous and is in meeting weekly. Next to speak during our The Helping Care Settings class was
Dale Neighbors, a fellow classmate that works as a Certified Peer Support Counselor at Life Core Health Group. Madison Login followed Dale Neighbors during the presentation. Madison Login is the Intake Coordinator at Life Core Health Group and is a qualified License Social Worker. She participates in the Celebrate Recovery Program and described how that program operates. Fortunately I have had previous knowledge about the information that Stephanie Stout presented as our guest speaker due to the disorganized manner of the presentation. I have been dealing with addictions for …show more content…

The program works with the twelve steps with accompanying scriptures and the eight principles based on the Beatitudes which offer participants a path to salvation and discipleship. The program also brings hope and freedom from the hurt, habit or hang-up that brings them to the program. While individuals are on their way to sobriety and healing for whatever issue they are going through it gives them the opportunity to give back when they are at that step in their recovery. The twelve steps and the Biblical comparisons work perfectly together, Celebrate Recovery tie historical recovery and the Biblical

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