Reflection: My Trip To The Dominican Republic

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Life and Learning Reflection I was not originally going to go on this mission’s trip and had less then a week’s notice. My sister was supposed to go, but due to some unfortunate circumstances was not able to go. While I wish that my sister could have gone, I am glad that I was given this unique opportunity. I am not sure what I was expecting when I went on this trip, but I certainly was not expecting what happened. During this incredible trip, three churches combined into one outreach group as we journeyed to the Dominican Republic. We worked closely with missionaries Matt and Carrie Love on several projects they were working on. Our main project was building a playground at a school in the Dominican. We also painted and helped to finish building …show more content…

I did not expect to come back different, even though people always say that something is different about home after they have been on a trip like this. Now I am forced to agree, my worldview is certainly different after this. America is the greatest country in the world, but what is it that makes us so great. I could list all the cliché things or read you the Bill of Rights, but that is not it. I think that what makes America great is that we are people from all nations living together in one. Somehow, somewhere along the way all of the cultures that were brought into this nation blended together at the edges and gave us America. When you leave your busy life and experience one very different from your own. When you live like the Dominicans, eat like them, and work like them you see a little into their souls. You see the magic in the little things, thing that you would have missed back home in all of the bustle and the busy. Then, when you go back to the great nation that is the United States of America, I think that you realize that maybe it is not as great as it was …show more content…

A lot of people in the Dominican speak a little English, one or two words, maybe a few sentences, but the cannot understand. Finding a church would be the next essential step, but I cannot imagine that, with the Love’s to help, it would be that difficult to become connected. Like I mentioned before, the Dominicans always have time for you, hospitality is a big thing in that country. To live a country like the Dominican I would have to have a calling on my life, I would not be able to do it

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