The assignment allowed me to get more in depth information on all the processes involved in hospital accreditations. Being able to get firsthand knowledge about the methods the facility uses to deliver safe, high-quality patient
I communicated with the patient’s, my preceptor, other nurses, the PCT’s, PT, and the kitchen staff. When I was in the patient’s room I was sure to explain what I was doing, and answer any questions the patients had about their plan of care. I worked with my preceptor throughout the shift, asking questions, clarifying orders, clarifying medications, procedures and more. I communicated with other nurses by thoroughly receiving and handing off report. I communicated with the PCT’s that I would perform the vital signs for my patients and worked with the PCT when my patient needed labs to be sent down.
The bedside nurse manages writing and updating the whiteboard each day using a templated board, the displayed information includes day and date, the names of the patient, bedside nurse, and primary and attending physician, family member 's phone number, diet, pain management and mobile numbers for Nurse, Charge Nurse and Nurse Assistant. This simple strategies is driving our thresholds to our benchmarks at an accelerated
Corbin watches and takes notes while the nurse works with the patients. She also a seminar every Friday to learn about a specific field from a variety of doctors and researchers. Corbin enjoys very much what she does as an
For the senior/sophomore experience I had many different roles. I helped the students get logged into the computer at Regional Hospital and also helped them get into Meditech. Since it was the first clinical for the sophomore group, many passwords didn’t work. Therefore, I had the chance to show a few students where the IT department was and help them get assistance on getting their passwords figured out. The students were very limited as to what they could do during the clinical.
AA Meeting Reflection Many people who have never had an addiction may not understand the difficulty of becoming better, and that is because we have never been in circumstances where our life depended upon a substance (Berry & Ramnath, 2013). However, for people who have had a substance addiction, the difficulty to becoming better is harder because they need to regain control over their thoughts and lives. According to the alcoholic anonymous recovery program, a twelve-step meeting is a very efficient program that helps people regain control over their thoughts and their lives. One vital part of this program is the twelve traditions and twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Although the overall goal of this meeting is for members to stay sober while
The community group I visited was Beaches Unity Group, which was located at 322 Penman Road. This was an Alcoholics Anonymous group that provided open discussion for people who were both struggling with alcohol abuse, as well as addiction. It gave the participants an opportunity to introduce themselves, and tell their background story. There where also opportunities to offer advice to the other members. I decided to sit in an AA group because there is history of alcoholism in my family, and so I was curious to hear the stories of other people, and how they are coping with their disorder.
For this reflection assignment I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. The AA meeting I attended was at St. Joe’s Education Center in Ypsilanti at 7:30 pm. As far as the demographics of the group: The number in attendance was about 60 people I would say, it was very packed surprisingly to me. I did not expect it to be that many people there. When I think of an AA meeting I think of a small meeting with maybe 20 people that are a close group not around 60.
I was interested in hearing stories and experiences of those who struggled with drug addiction. I wondered if I would receive any insight regarding my family members who have suffered from drug addiction. Going into the meeting, I was prepared to introduce myself if necessary and did not hold feelings of anxiety regarding the potential necessity for introduction. Upon arrival, I noticed a big church with various entrances. I was unsure where to enter and did not want to enter into the wrong door.
Great post! I think it is great that at your field site the RTI committee meets every three weeks. I wish a more action driven approach was taken at my school side. Honestly, I didn’t even know who was on the RTI committee until I was called to an RTI meeting at the end of last year.
If I ever have this kind of situation again, first thing I would differently get prepared before the clinical, I would carefully review that task we would have to do on clinical day. Second, I spent less time with my patient because they also need to get rest. Third, I would make sure that my patient 's history record has every section, for example, my patient was missing her physician order that I had to ask one of the nurses for a new copy. What additional knowledge, information, or skills will you need next
This reflection clearly describes the event and explains it in a manner that is easy to follow. It identifies the multiple parties involved in the consultation and gives a sufficient description in their roles. The reflection is clear and concise; the author identifies the different behaviours and attitudes displayed by Miss X, Dr Y and Mr H. The reflection offers reasonable explanations for the way that each member behaves and reacts to the consultation. The author was able to identify the relevant ethical and professional issues raised by this case as well as explaining why they were relevant to the case. The discussion and analysis of the events was clear, concise and coherent.
During a clinical shift, I would be responsible for providing care to patients with malignant hematological diseases, completing pertinent assessments and teaching skills, such as how to care for the mouth when experiencing mucositis and how to avoid infections. Self-reflection on Professional Practice All nurses registered in the general and extended classes are required to complete their self-Assessment every year. Self-Assessment is a self-directed, two-part process that results in a learning plan (CNO self assessment 2018). Through the process of self-assessment, you identify your areas of strength and learning needs (CNO
I was able to create better therapeutic communication skills, pick up on the patient’s ticks, learn how to assess for triggers, etc. I will use this in the future because I will come in contact with patients who suffer from a mental illness on any floor I work on. They may not as serious as some of the patients I worked with on this clinical rotation, however, it is still important, as a nurse, to recognize and address mental health issues with patients. I also learned just how important self-care for nurses is. It doesn’t take long for nurses to begin to feel burnt out and lose passion in what they do.
Leadership is the main characteristic that shapes me. I 've been cheerleading for my high school for four years. In June of this year, I was selected to be Captain of the varsity cheerleading team for my senior year. A few months later I campaigned and became President of my Legal Systems Class. Being selected for both positions has given me great opportunities to show my leadership skills.