Essay On School Life Satisfaction

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Background to the Study Life satisfaction has been described as an overall cognitive assessment of one’s quality of life. This assessment is based on how people believe their life should be in relation to how it is (Paschali & Tsitsas, 2010; Nasir, 2014). Kotler and Clarke (as cited in Hanaysha, Abdullah, & Warokka, 2011) define satisfaction as a state felt by a person who has experienced performance or an outcome that fulfill his or her expectation. Satisfaction is a function of relative level of expectations and its perceives performance. Satisfaction is also perceived as the intentional performance which results in one’s contentment (Malik & Usman, 2010). Kotler and Clarke (1987) define satisfaction as a state felt by a person who has experienced …show more content…

Student satisfaction has become a major challenge for the universities. It has been recognized as the major source of competitive advantage which aids student attraction and retention. The level of satisfaction of students with services offered by the school aids their school-life satisfaction. School-life satisfaction involves the students perception about the quality of life enjoyed in the school system. It refers to how individual student views the quality of services enjoyed in the school system as they pursue their academic goals and aspirations. Student school-life satisfaction refers to the outcome of individual student’s evaluation of the experiences in an institution. Borden (as cited in Hasnain, 2013) explained school-life satisfaction in terms of students perception of their experiences in a school environment in relation to their expectation. The satisfaction of students is more important in highly competitive economy or private institutions where the quality of service provided is a strong determinant of students’ satisfaction as well as the institutions survival. In most countries of the world where educational institutions compete for both national and international students, adequate provision of quality service that meets the needs of the students are appropriately provided in order to stay above