Reflective Essay: A Psych Evaluation Room For My Depression

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Imagine living with an illness that you cannot escape from. It’s always there no matter what you do. It tells you how worthless you are and makes you become a person you thought you’d never be. Growing up, I would’ve never thought that during my junior year of high school I would be sitting in a psych evaluation room for my depression. Although my depression took a toll on myself, both physically and emotionally, it made be a stronger, better person.
At first, my depression was just constantly feeling down. Doing the simplest of task would take so much out of me. Brushing my hair, showering, getting dressed was all so hard for me to do. As time went on, I thought of myself as disgusting, worthless and a waste of space. To cope with these thoughts, …show more content…

This is where I finally realized how much of my life I wasted. I realized that living with depression doesn’t mean I have to be sad anymore and deal with my emotions in negative ways. Through the weeks I was here I finally began to felt happy again. The tasks that were once so hard for me to do were easy. I looked at life at a whole new perspective. I started to hang out with my friends and family and I stopped engaging in the negative actions. This transformation also made me realize how much I wanted to help people that were like me. Going through the hospital and treatment, I knew that I never wanted people to feel like I did and I would stop at nothing to help them. Taking an interest in mental health counseling I started to take courses in that area and excelled at them; I was even invited to join the National Honor Society. My senior year I began also to talk my freely about my experience. In today’s society we view mental illnesses as taboo and we rarely talk about them. However, with my newly founded confidence, I challenged this stigma. I talked about my depression and my experience to my classes and although it was one of the hardest things I had to do it was worth it. I wanted to tell people that you need to get help if you are experiencing this; that it does not get