
Reflective Essay: My Emerging Social Work Identity

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Social work skills, theoretical knowledge and values that has been learnt and obtained through both of my placements has and will continue to be a fundamental component of my emerging social work identity. Work being undertaken, whether that being in a government or non-government organisation, has proven to be at times difficult, as often organisations which state that they provide diversity, social justice and inclusive practice are restricted by funding constraints, hierarchical structures and rigid polices. Personally having had two non-government placements, it has been difficult to be able to first-hand make these comparisons. However, through speaking with peers in my PSAG group and through government agency visits conducted on my previous and current placement, it has reinforced that even though we as social workers are working with such rigid and stricken policies, by using a wide range of practice skills and theoretical knowledge that has been acquired throughout my two …show more content…

The social work practice skills I have achieved to date include a wide range of communication and interpersonal skills that have been developed through writing up case notes after meetings with clients, as well as debriefing with other social workers. Advocacy skills have been developed through liaising with other services and speaking with supervisors to extend clients financial and casework support. Further, active listening skills have been developed through listening to the client’s needs and asking important follow up questions; this has allowed me to establish trust with my clients and obtain a better understanding of their circumstances. Moreover, I have obtained a greater self-awareness through reflecting in supervision and regular debriefing with peers in my PSAG group. Self-awareness has also been developed through my previous placement where I had the opportunity to observe a Family and Community Services (FACS)

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