My Experience I have worked for the Iowa National Guard for 12 years now. For eight of those years I have been assigned to Human Resources H.R., personnel, and administrative positions. I initially found that I had an interest in H.R. while I was on light duty during a pregnancy in 2006. I had some pay and benefit issues I was unaware of because my H.R. section hadn’t processed my paperwork. I requested to assist them as part of my light duty so that I could clean up these issues for other people as well. It was an enlightening experience to say the least. I incurred a large debt along with others in my unit. Working through these issues, I found I had a keen eye for details and could easily find ways to streamline processes. I call my work “crisis response” because taking care of Soldiers’ pay, benefits, and administrative needs allows them to remain focused on their mission. This experience taught me the importance of H.R. and that serving the customer is our primary focus. Knowledge and Skills After starting business classes at school, it was apparent to me that I had a clear advantage. I didn’t need in-depth instruction on how to function in a business setting. Communication is something I must do up, down, and across my organization. I have been seasoned in how organizations run and how …show more content…
I cannot be an example to people of diverse walks of life if I hold on to rigidity. Remaining a lifelong learner and continuing my education help me to stay forward thinking as I face new challenges. I have learned to accept difficult things as challenges and use every opportunity as a chance to grow. Through much self-actualization, I know that I value a hard work ethic, dependability, creative thinking, and genuine passion for one’s work. My experience working with teams has shown me mentoring, enabling, and motivating people to be there very best is the most successful strategy leaders can