Reflective Essay: My Writing Style

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My writing style has clearly developed over the past semester and I believe that the writings in his portfolio demonstrate that I have mastered the course materials presented in this English course. My writing style has changed in the fact that I have become more open minded in my conclusions in papers. I have ventured away from making all my conclusions based on textual evidence and have been more open minded and drawn conclusions based more on how I feel emotionally about the subject. This doesn’t mean that I only will draw conclusions from how I feel emotionally but it means that I can now do both effectively. This is evident in my timed write essay where I write about how today’s Black Lives Matter movement is less effective than the type of protests that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used in the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement. While both movements are struggling to see the improvement of human rights for African Americans in this country, they go about it in unlike ways. I write about the difference by saying “In Dr. King’s famous speech he quotes the Declaration of Independence and says that “All men are …show more content…

In my argumentative essay I try to present the case that Nonviolent protesting used by Dr. Martin Luther King is far more effective than protesting that may contain violence. I state in the paper that “The nonviolent protests used by Dr. King would be effective during these times because they create sentiment, enhance legitimacy and it also shows the level of education and maturity of the movement.” In paper I try and clarify that all though nonviolent protests don’t always work they clearly have more advantages than violent protesting. In this paper I tried to draw an emotional conclusion but it was very hard because I had trouble truly emotionally connecting with any type of