Reflective Essay On Veteran's Day

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Freedom “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same,” Ronald Reagan. This is what I think of when I think of Veteran’s Day. I think of freedom. But, freedom is not something that is given to us. Freedom is something we must fight for, and when the time comes we must train the next generation to fight for freedom. It seems to me that many people think freedom is a right. Even though they may be correct, what they do not realise is it is not a birthright. It is something that they must fight for, something they must be willing to take. They seem to have forgotten what life is like without the ability to do what they want, when they want on a silver platter. When I think of Veteran’s Day, I think of the people who understood freedom is something you must fight for and fought for our freedom. I like to think of our veterans as birds. Birds who were strong, strong enough to break the chains around them and flew high above the world. They did what they had to do and fought for what they believe in. They knew freedom was not something handed to you, they understood you have to fight to do what you want. Not everyone in the world has the ability to do what they want, and I am …show more content…

They stood up for what they believe in and they stood up for our people. Not just the people of America, but the people of the entire world. Many veterans have fought in World War Two. The heroes who were there did not just fight for Americans, but the fought and stood up for others. The risked their lives save those they did not know. They fought to save strangers simply because that was what was right. The heroes known as our veterans fought for those who were oppressed so the oppressed could have freedom. Veterans put their own freedom at risk to give others the freedom they so rightfully