Reflective Essay 'Supporting Minority Students' Club

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Sophomore year my friends and I formed the Supporting Minority Students’ club in an efforts to discuss issues of diversity and minority politics while serving as a support group for the small minority population (especially the current 1.6% African American population) at our school. As the secretary, marketing manager and web designer, I make all the promotional posters, announcements, schedules and contest along with creating and updating the club website. After attending a multitude of, volunteering events, club fairs,showcases, orientations, and meetings we finally were able to gain recognition at school and amongst administrators. Our club helped to influence the creation of a school diversity council and diversity day to bring more awareness to the …show more content…

Last year my essay on equality was chosen to represent the school in a district wide contest and won first place.Yet my proudest accomplishment has been the gradual yet astounding results I have seen in our mentoring initiative. We have established a bond with all of our students, discussing more than academics but their personal and social concerns that impact their academic success.A large percent of our eighth grade students have applied to magnet and early college programs. Though we in no way claim responsibility, I believe our program gave them the confidence to take the chance .We were able to expand from a small group of people who saw and issue and hoped to help, to a diverse group of students using their combined skills to make an impact.This experience revealed my genuine passion leading and helping others, working from grassroots to making change. In the future I will expand upon what I have learned thus far continuing to address the issue of education equality and pursue my personal