Regulatory Agency Mission Statement

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Mission Statement The professional goal that I strive to accomplish daily is to provide the most current evidence based practice coupled with genuine concern for the needs of the individual in totality of physical,psychological and spiritual needs . A.Functional differences between a regulatory agency and a professional nursing organization There are distinct functional differences between a regulatory agency, such as a Texas Board of Nursing (BON), and a professional nursing organization (PNO), such as American Nurses Association(ANA) as it pertains to the professional nursing practice. A regulatory agency is a governmental body formed for making rules and regulations, ensuring compliance, setting standards of practice in the nursing …show more content…

Respect for human dignity and health being a universal right are two provisions that and are synonymous in nature. Directly caring for non-funded patients in the acute care setting, I believe that it is of utmost importance that these patients receive the same standard of care as a patient who has insurance in the inpatient setting as well as the outpatient setting as stated in Provision 1.1 Respect for Human Dignity. I believe that nurses must advocate for helping all patients in health promotion while in the acute care setting and assisting them to initiate continued care by directing them to resources that transcend the current setting and can assist them in maintenance and prevention as health is a universal right as mentioned in Provision 8.1 8.1 Health Is a Universal …show more content…

Therefore, the need for nursing is universal. As the World Health Organization states: “…the highest attainable standard of health is a fundamental right of every human being.” This right has economic, political, social, and cultural dimensions. It includes: access to health care, emergency care, and trauma care; basic sanitation; education concerning the prevention, treatment, and control of prevailing health problems; food security; immunizations; injury prevention; prevention and control of locally endemic diseases and vectors; public education concerning health promotion and maintenance; potable water; and reproductive health care. This affirmation of health as a fundamental, universal human right is held in common with the United Nations, the International Council of resources that transcend the current setting and can assist them in

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