
Rehab Center Experience Paper

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My Experience

My experience at the facilities acute rehab center. I felt like I learned a lot about the intimacy of the program. The group is led by a former addicts that have experienced the same crisis that the fellow men have. He supervises the men and reminds the group that sobriety is possible. Then there is the nurse that helps the leader with encouraging the group to participate in group. Lastly the group is made up of men of different ages and background. The men and women rehab centers are separated because, I think, that it help aid is the progression of the gender without the distraction that mixing genders brings. The group is open form, meaning that anyone can add their opinion into the mix. The group opens up with a prayer that …show more content…

The men seem very responsive to the group and it appears that they get a lot out of the group. I felt like the group really gives the men an outlet to express their fears, worries, and thoughts for that day. I think it really helps the men out and aids in their recovery. After the AAA meeting the men go to angry management where they learn different techniques to deal with angry. The leader of the group was very nice and also a former addict, however; I felt like he could not really penetrate the group like the other leader of the pervious group did. The men in the angry management group was not as perceptive as they were in the AAA meeting. This could be because the men values the AAA meeting as more important than the angry management class because based on my observations the men seem to want positive results and I think that they perceives that the AAA meeting will give them that. I think they think this because the AAA meeting addresses their drug use directly and the angry management class the point is on controlling feelings so you don’t have a relapse. I do not think that the men fully grasp that both classes are equally important for success because emotional control decreases the chances of relapse due to the fact that the person knows techniques to handle emotions instead of using substances …show more content…

I was very surprised because I thought that men would not be open to us being there as they actually were. I think they actually enjoyed us being there. They accepted us and took all of us into their world making sure that we all were a part of the group. Some my classmates, including me, felt the overwhelming acceptance to share with the group about our struggles which might not be drugs or alcohol but we all have some form of addiction to something. The men seemed to appreciate my view that we were all the same as far as addiction because we are the only difference is that the addiction. I thought at the start of group that the men would begin to think that we were judging them or thought we were better than them. Which I tried my hardest to expressed that I thought the complete opposite. I was very much proud every man there because it is extremely hard to addict that you have an issue then go about and try to deal with the addiction as well. For Example, I realize that my weight is unhealthy and so I’m am trying to fix my unhealthy relationship with food. So the similarity between all humans no matter the situation is

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