Disability Rehabilitation

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In the field of disability rehabilitation refers to the process of preparing the person for a normal place within the community or restorating to the position before the handicapping condition, defined as the physical, psychological, social, vocational, and educational development of a person to the fullest and in compatibility with his or his impairment and limitations, be it physiological, environmental or anatomical. (DeLisa, Martin, & Currie, …show more content…

It basically involves the identification of problems and needs of the people and relating these problems to the factors related with the person and his environment. Rehabilitation is not only restricted to the narrow boundaries of physical disease but also deals with the consequences of disability which can be psychological in nature .These consequences may affect the personal and social environment in which the disabled person has to function. It is different from most of the medicine as it cannot be carried out by medical practitioners alone but also requires the active partnership of a wide range of health professionals and social workers. Rehabilitation, thus includes not only the training of persons with disabilities but also provides intervention for adaptation in the environment, general systems of society and for the protection of human rights.
Need for Rehabilitation Every disabled has the right to be rehabilitated, to be productive, useful and be a functional part of society. The disabled should not be relegated to the backwaters of society .they should be integrated into the mainstream of society through rehabilitation. Since, disability creates a web of problems; …show more content…

The individuals are provided help to cope and adjust with the onset of chronic, traumatic, or congenital illnesses or injuries like spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputations, stroke, and neuromuscular disorders. Also those disorders that limits the functioning and participation in life activities such as cancer, AIDS, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, developmental disorder such as mental retardation, alcohol, drug abuse and sensory impairments.
• Rehabilitation services often aims at reducing the consequences of disability, impairment and restrictions of participation as the persons with disability actively participate in the process of rehabilitation according to their needs, preferences and available resources.
• The personal factors are addressed in the rehabilitation process which affects the ICF domains of participation, impairments, and activities. They do this by addressing various social and cognitive aspects of the person.
• Since the influence of ethnicity, gender, culture, residence and geographic location is observed, therefore environmental barriers to participation and activity is an important assumption of disability when planning