Related Literature About Body Shaming

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This chapter presents the effect of body shaming on Junior High School female students from grade 8 and 9. The factors include such as depression, anxiety, bullying, low self-efficacy. The following are the related literature and studies that may help in understanding our study and acquiring the data needed. Shaming. According to Johnson, D.E.’s (2001), Research evidence is accumulating to suggest that shame can be implicated in important ways in student adjustment to the learning environment. Student survey data spring-fall 2010 suggest that shame is associated with variables thought to be closely related to student learning--sense of community, burnout and achievement goals--and underline the significance of what Nathanson has called the compass of shame in understanding students ' struggles with shame. The paper closes with suggestions from the literature on dealing with student shame in the classroom and in academic advising. Body shaming in both genders. According to Body shaming is one of the biggest problems in today’s generation. Society doesn 't just find humor in degrading a woman 's body; they also find humor in degrading a man 's body. Body shaming has become a problem for both genders. People take their own insecurities and aim them at other people to make themselves feel better about their own body. Body shaming, while common in both genders, is especially harmful to women. Ariana Grande received a comment after being compared to Ariel Winter. “Curves are