Relational Communication Theory

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Theoretical Background Presentation
The Theory of Relational Communication
Regarding the nature of language, Cobley and Schulz (2013) distinguish five categories of communication phenomena. According to this distinction, it is possible to label one category as communication as a developer of relationships, within which relational communication theories are included.
Even though relational communication theories represent a significant number of works with considerable differences, as it is indicated by Littlejohn and Foss (2009), these share 3 basic aspects, namely the recognition of the constitutive quality of communication, the interconnection between communication and relationship formation, and the need for a relational level focus that …show more content…

Moreover, it is proposed that these instances have to be mediated by the cognitive-affective variable of confidence. It is considered that students’ reduced proficiency in foreign language, particularly in reference to the ability of speaking is related to lack of confidence. This point brings into consideration the elements of the Relational Communication Theories in creating a supportive environment that fosters …show more content…

Personality is related to a personal disposition to feel anxious in general or in the particular context of language learning. In the case of the second variable this can be related to the extent in which simple activities in the mother tongue become more difficult in the foreign language, which considerably demands learners’ time and cognitive resources. The last factor might be related to unrealistic expectations about their rate of progress, especially when they compare their proficiency level with others who have progressed more.
Díaz-Ducca (2014) presented the affective variable of confidence as part of a Virtuous Cycle that was aimed at encouraging a student’s class participation, and consequently, his instances of exercising oral production. This acknowledges the role that participation in the speaking activities has in relation to language learning. Regarding the role of confidence, it is acknowledged that in the case of low proficiency students, it is the aspect that becomes more important to develop, during different instance of collaborative work.
As it is pointed out by Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998, a cited in Díaz-Ducca, 2014) maintaining and increasing confidence should be at the base of classroom