
Relationship Between Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet

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In the novel Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford, family struggles and relationships are portrayed differently between different connections through different people. The first family struggle seen would be the relationship between Henry and his Father. “They didn't speak to him; in fact, they barely acknowledged his presence” (186). Henry's father and mother are very against helping the Japanese Americans for protection, and when they find out Henry is helping Keiko save photos of her family, Henry's father disowns him. Henry was not going to give up on helping Keiko which made his dad very mad. “His father reached into his shirt pocket and drew out a button. This one read “I'm an American,” in red, white, and blue block lettering. He handed it to Henry, who glared and refused to take it” (148). Henry does not like how his father forces being an American on him, especially when Keiko is being treated the way Japanese Americans are being treated. …show more content…

Henry met Keiko working in the kitchen at an all white school. They quickly became best friends and soon fell in love. “Henry was scared for Keiko; he didn't want to know the answer. He leaned his head until his temple rested next to hers, wrapping his coat around her” (118). Henry is finding out that Japanese Americans are being taken to internment camps, and he doesn't want to lose Keiko. ‘“Oai deki te ureshii desu!” Keiko stood across the serving pans, smiling, almost glowing. “‘You came back!”’ (190). Keiko and her family have gotten sent to an internment camp and Henry found a way to see her through serving food with the lunch lady from his school. Henry has so much love for Keiko he is willing to risk his life to keep seeing

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