Moral Values And Literature Review

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Part 2: Contents
Part 2.1 Review the relationship between religions and moral values with literature supports Based on the several literatures support, religions and moral values can be simplified in different definition with various approaches. The relationship between religions and moral values can be search out by any grant size (Norman Davies, 1997). According to Zuckerman, 2008, he said that people without religion are impossible to become moral. Therefore, the relationship between religion and moral value is closely related with each other’s. Different issues happened in the diverse world will view differently by people in different religions. (Paul Nicholls) Morality is nothing more than arithmomancy if it is without the backing of …show more content…

Moral values also defined as the personal character of a person, and people generally apply moral values to justify decisions, intentions and actions. An individual with have high values typically displays the characteristics of fairness, honesty courage, respect, integrity and compassion. Moral values are the standards of good and evil to govern an individual’s behavior and choices, and individual’s morals may come from society, government, religion or self. According to Wiel Veugelers’s (2008) study defined that moral values are to express ideas about the good life. Moral values are very abstract but become meaningful in concrete practices and narratives. Moral values are quite abstract but become meaningful in concrete practices and narratives. Stressing the same abstract moral value can still result in different concrete interpretations of the value and in distinct practices. Emphasize the same abstract moral value still can lead to different concrete explanation and in different practical …show more content…

So knowing what’s right or wrong is an important element in life that shapes the character on an individual. It is importance to have good moral values, because if a person has good moral values can let them make the right decisions and improve their interactions with other people. If want to have good moral values, parents must teach their children since childhood. For example, parents always teach their children to show respect to elders and other people, this will influence their future