Relationship Between Telemachus And Odysseus

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oth Telemachus and Odysseus visit strange lands, far from their homeland in Ithaca. The ways they are each welcomed help tell us what is expected from a guest. Telemachus is welcomed with a great ceremony for him. He leaves with newfound and trustworthy friends. Odysseus, however, is not so fortunate. Most of his hosts welcome him with brutality and a plan a fate of doom for him.

The hosts of these lands Telemachus and Odysseus visit welcome them in the way they do because of how Telemachus and Odysseus choose to act as guests. Telemachus is always very polite, addressing each person with a proper name before he speaks. “Nestor, son of Neleus, Achaea’s pride and glory…” (3.89), “Look Pisistratrus-joy of my heart, my friend-he sheen of bronze,