Relationships In 'The Knight's Tale'

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“The Knight’s Tale” took place in Ancient Greece, more specifically in the Athens and Thebes. The tale is on 3 characters Palamon and Arcite and Theseus. The characters strive to keep their chivalry while falling in love at the same time which was quite the challenge in their shoes. Ultimately the tale is mainly focusing on two knights (Palamon and Arcite) who both fell in love with same individual. Her name is Emily aka the “princess of Athens.” The knights had duties, responsibilities, and pledges to keep one of them being “keeping the bond of loyalty between your lord and fellow mates.” The knights both have a good relationship and both suggest that they have got each other’s back for everything, the reason why is because they are very close, not blood related but in a way they have to present themselves like they are. Throughout the tale, Emily holds importance, she was supposedly completely flawless according to the knights. That love the two felt towards her had made them feel a sense of power and honor. The Knights are in an utmost situation between sticking to their word or just following their heart and suspending their word. Eventually the Knights had to pick, so if they break their promise of staying loyal to each other, just to get Emily, it will be a large problem.