Relativism And Universalism Essay

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Current research lies in the theme of human rights and culture have mainly three groups, that is moral argument, model of relativism and universalism, and the feasible implementation of human rights in Asia. Selective concepts of Confucian virtues has been discussing in the studies on a philosophical basis of human rights in Asia mainly. Surrounding the humaneness, the central moral concept in Confucianism, other virtues have partly been mentioned, like righteousness (yi), frankness (cheng), filial piety (xiao). However, Confucian ethics and the relationship with the external practice lies in the central meaning of Confucian political claim did not be taken into closely consideration. Besides, the ambivalence of translation on the Confucian ethics has generated dilemma of understanding, like the concept of ren may be translated into humanity, humaneness, …show more content…

Some claims that human rights are the production of the European civilization, where there are several declarations on rights and claim of individual rights. Hence, there may be an obstacle to fulfill human rights without a tradition of rights.4 One may argue, the universal human rights are being a new capitalism and would intervene state sovereignty, like the advocators of Asian values.5 Another in-between approach is to reconcile the tension between culture and human rights through a cross-cultural or intercultural dialog or a recognition of plurality,6 With the initial meaning of the UDHR, human rights is to ensure the basic rights list and to urge the states' duty for human rights. Interwoven the assurance of universal human rights with cultural diversity, a discussion on the barriers of human rights implement in different culture has been impeding.7 This model of debate on relativism and universalism is trying sidestep the barriers of implementing human