Reliability And Validity Of Informational Sources On Alternative Therapies

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Table of Contains 1. Introduction 2. Analysis of the role of alternative medicine in relation to orthodox therapies 2.1 Musculo- skeletal 2.2 Metabolic 2.3 Cardio respiratory 3. Evaluation of attitudes towards alternative medicine 3.1 Critical attitude and barriers 3.2 Positive attitude 4. Psychological effect of alternative medicine 5. Contra indications between alternative and orthodox medicine 5.1 Addition and the resulting effect 5.2 Influence on conventional therapies 6. Analysis of the reliability and validity of informational sources on alternative therapies 6.1 Reliable sources 6.2 Suspect sources 7. Evaluation of the evidence of the benefit of alternative …show more content…

5.2 Some forms of alternative medicine can influence conventional therapies.” There is some concern that taking antioxidants during chemotherapy or radiotherapy could protect the cancer cells from being damaged by the cancer treatment,” (Cancer Research ,2016), this is a clear contra indication. 6. Analysis of the reliability and validity of informational sources on alternative therapies Information about complementary therapies must be nuanced between reliable sources who providing evidence of their results (statistics, articles) and suspected sources who make e.g. huge promises. 6.1 Reliable sources can be: registered therapists who work close together with the NHS. Controlled, observational published studies or qualitative research 6.2 Signs of suspected sources can be: excessive promotion and promises for what a product can do or teasers such as, free stress or psychological tests (Scientology). 7. Evaluation of the evidence of the benefit of alternative …show more content…

• Prevention of symptoms e.g. reduce of stress and anxiety through Reiki or Yoga 8. Recommendations for the use of alternative therapies for patients with chronical pains (low back, Arthritis, Rheumatism) Acupuncture, massage or physio therapy can be a great alternative support by chronical pains, as evidence from different studies shows its effectiveness and the enhancement of the life quality. 8.1 There is to recommend: “By research look for high quality clinical studies. These large, controlled and randomized trials are published in peer-reviewed journals — journals that only publish articles reviewed by independent experts,” (Mayo clinic,2014). • By researching the internet look for updated webpages • Ask the GP for registered practitioners • Compare offers and information of different sources 9. Effectiveness of current regulation system for the use of alternative therapies “Complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) are treatments that fall outside of mainstream healthcare,” (NHS choices ,2016). Through the enthusiasm of alternative medicine by patients, the health care sector comes across to:” ethical issues of efficacy, training, competence and patient safety, “according to (Nursing times

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