Religion As Communication: The Role Of Religion In Communication And Communication

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Religion as communication
Abstract: Religion grows out of one’s personal need. Faith is communicated through various media. Religious communication is born out of communication events such as religious gatherings, individual rituals, and prayers. Religious communication has three important components such as information, transmittal of this information, and understanding this transmittal. Canonical texts, Song, Music, Dance, Drama, Architecture, Plastic Arts, Pictures, Odour, Signs, Symbols, Gesture, and Rituals are important media for communicating religious information.

Key Words: Freud, Dreaming, Aboriginal, Al-haram, Teyyam festival, Artistic Communication,
Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud described religion as a “universal obsessional neurosis” which depicted religion as a cosmic projector of our good and bad relationship with our parents or loved ones. Religion grows out of one’s personal necessity such as longings for mortality, meaningfulness, personal growth, happiness, peace, perfection, isolation, understanding, gratitude and so on. The substance of faith is communicated through various religious practices.
Religion is ‘ethics’: a store of ethical maxims and axioms.1 French sociologist Emile Durkheim states: Religion does not exist in a ‘vacuum’, but always a social ‘act’. Being a part of societal activity, religion through its various media (language, clothing, art) always acted as a vehicle of cultural information. During the initiation

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