Religion In Beowulf

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Before the Roman conquest of Britain, the Anglo-Saxon faith was rooted in Celtic paganism. The original scop of Beowulf, although unknown, can be almost certainly tied to this religion. Although Celtic paganism heavily emphasized the importance of Wyrd, or fate, it had no form of an afterlife. Instead, the Anglo-Saxon people took on heroic tasks in hopes of gaining fame. If they succeeded, this fame allowed them to live forever through storytelling. Although religion has changed greatly in the last thousand years, fame still offers an undeniable appeal: living forever in the memory of millions. Seamus Heaney's translation of the epic poem Beowulf portrays the desire for fame as an archetypal trait as it offers people a shot at immortality. …show more content…

As he speaks with Hrothgar about a chance to fight Grendel, he “[renounces]/ sword and the shelter of the broad shield” in an attempt to “heighten Hygelac’s fame” (11). Hrothgar encourages him, letting him know “there's nothing you wish for/ That won’t be yours if you win” (16), understanding fame is his main goal. By renouncing “sword and… shield” Beowulf increases his chances of being injured or killed in the battle, but also the fame he will gain if he succeeds. His declaration shows just how important fame is - worth risking his life for. This is paralleled time and time again through modern athletics. Athletes continue to play through injury upon injury in hopes of succeeding professionally and gaining fame. 87 out of 91 deceased NFL players tested positive for a brain disease believed to have been caused by repeated concussions (Breslow). Still, thousands of hopefuls play on high school and college teams in hopes of being recruited into the National Football League. The fame and glory outway the risk of injury and death. This idea of reward outweighing risk resonates all throughout history, but is the fame really worth the risk of death? Beowulf can not simply kill nine sea monsters for fame; he must also kill Grendel. Then, slaying Grendel is not enough, he has to kill Grendel’s mom, and eventually the