Power Of Religion In The Cat's Cradle

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Religion, much like most of the conceptual world, is a construct-- brought into existence solely for the purpose of supplying an immediate meaning and understanding in the slightest to create some kind of consultation from the crisis of our existence. It freely shapes the morality of people and society by establishing a primal institution of what we are and aren 't supposed to do, and thus paves way for a rather compliant and impressionable public. This concept of religion is explored by Kurt Vonnegut in his novel the "Cat 's Cradle," where he creates a milieu where the only thing society has is faith and trust in a false pretense. In this post-apocalyptic novel, Vonnegut discusses the greatness that lies within the flaw of man-made religion. A writer named John travels distant places in an effort to produce an accurate account of what Americans were doing on the day of Hiroshima 's bombing to only witness first hand the damaging effects of the vicious cycle known as human idiocy. Vonnegut uses oxymoron and the repetition of allusion to further idea, that to an extent, the truth, being as practical as it might, does not give humankind enough satisfaction, and it is actually in those deceptions one is given the vaguest illusion of value and …show more content…

It readily provides us with an active role and a guideline as to how we are supposed to live, while at the same time, telling us what, why, and whom we are living for. Though it is thought to be self-evident in its intention of power and influence, it gives very loose instruction leaving tremendous room for vast interpretation. It is in that interpretation that we create the basic moral understanding of right and wrong/ good and evil which we then incorporate into our everyday lives. Whether we like it or not, religion is everywhere and is a part of us; in every facet of life, we use religion to fathom some sort of understanding of why the universe exists why we