Thirty Years War Essay

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Collins Kato 13046977
Module Code: HI4132
Module Title: Warfare And Diplomacy: Europe In The Seventeenth Century
Lecturer: Karol Mullaney-Dignam
Essay Title: To what extent was religion a major issue to the combatants’ of the Thirty Years war?

This essay will illustrate how far religion was a centre issue to this war between the Catholics (Holy Roman Empire/Habsburg Dynasty) and the Protestants (Lutherans). Even though politics and fighting for territorial independence from the Holy Roman Empire and Habsburg dynasty had a key role in causing of the Thirty Years War, the Catholic and Protestant used whatever possible to win.

In order to find out ‘to what extent was religion a major issue to the combatants of the ‘Thirty Years War’, a look at; 1. The brewing anger from under-mining of the Peace Treaty of Augsburg (1555). 2. The Early Phase of the war and what triggered it. 3. The use of Propagandas and other means to demoralize the capacity of each other’s cause. 4. The effectiveness of Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden. 5. And then to what extent did politics, diplomacy, economics and foreign affairs a factor.

The thirty years war is known to be so, due to the length of its period from 1618-1648. It erupted in the Holy Roman Empire and what …show more content…

It became easier to print large sum of documents and leaflets within a short period of time. So technology grew as the war expanded. The enhancement of weapons changed how battles are won especially with the mobility of cannons introduced by Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden (Father of modern warfare). As far as the religious war extended, so was the hunt for witches to the extent that over fifteen thousand were killed mostly women who are single and elderly. Famine and disease became the enemy as lands that are supposed to be farmlands turned to fields of dead bodies to the extent of decreasing the population quite