Religion In Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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Pi’s life has changed in many aspects, he has learned many new things that have helped him out. Pi’s character transforms based on life circumstances, spirituality, and relationships, which the author utilizes to shift reader’s perception of religion. Pi grows up to be a good man, but he goes through a lot of difficult times and has to learn many things, which involve religion, and handling things on his own. Religion played a big role in the development and growth of Pi. When he first found out about Christianity and Hinduism he was amazed, he had never heard or learned about it. But Pi had a hard time trying to decide which religion to follow, but the beliefs of those religions followed him. Pi believed in all three religions and followed them, but society won’t accept that and see that as a bad thing. “I don’t see why I can’t be all three, Mamaji, has two passports. He’s Indian and French why can’t I be Hindu, a Christian and Muslim?” explains Pi’s innocence not knowing the differences society puts between the three religion and also his confusion on why he can’t practice all three religions. …show more content…

At first, he’s scared because his dad showed to never get close to the tiger, but he realizes that he’s all by himself with the tiger and he has to count on it basically become close to it. Pi comes to the conclusion that the only way he could survive is by getting along with the tiger and helping each other out. Pi beats his fear by getting close to the tiger and they become close, by protecting each

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