Advantages Of Remote Working

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Remote teams are becoming more and more common in modern enterprise, for many reasons. The main one is money, as it saves a considerable amount of money in a competitive market and difficult economic climate. However, many managers are questioning whether it is an ideal way to do business and whether remote working or the traditional office structure produces better results and profits. Much of it comes down to personal preference as to how each individual prefers to work, but taking the IT industry as an example, many have found that they are actually much more productive and turn in better quality work from home rather than the office. Here are just a few ways that IT professionals, and indeed people of any profession, have improved their …show more content…

If left untreated, it results in subpar work and potentially even an employee needing to take an unexpected sabbatical. Remote working cuts down on this stress considerably, not only due to the loss of the commute but also by allowing people to work at their own pace in a more relaxed atmosphere. 3. Improved Time Management TechRepublic lists this as a major benefit to remote working, since employees don’t need to sneak in a quick nap or frantically run their errands during their lunch break. No longer do people need to use up one of their vacation days just for a dentist’s appointment. This doesn’t necessarily mean that IT staff won’t be available to answer urgent calls when they need to, as these can still be responded to through their mobile devices. It simply means that they have more control over their lives and can manage both their work and personal lives in a way that works for them. 4. Better Employee …show more content…

You might also be wondering how a remote team can build the rapport necessary for people to work together. The truth is that improvements to technology have made inter-connectivity more prevalent than ever, bringing colleagues together even across continents. Trends such as mobile video communications through Blue Jeans and similar software make this possible, as IT staff can answer questions and solve queries from anywhere. Even a repair job which requires someone to physically disassemble their computer can be done by the IT professional instructing the other person through their mobile device. There are always some advantages to in-person social interaction, but opening up more methods of communication improves interaction and relationships between colleagues and even with clients and customers. 5. Employees Feel Valued A Forbes survey revealed that remote workers are much more likely than non-remote workers to feel valued at their jobs. This is important for employee morale as it will make certain that people will work better and will be more likely to stay in their jobs for longer, decreasing turnover and cutting the costs of recruitment and employee training. 6. Reliable