
Rene Descartes Adequacy Principle

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In referring to Rene Descartes “Causal Adequacy Principle” it is quite possible that, without knowing it, he confirmed that the most powerful muscle humans have is their mind. In fact, some would say that the human mind and the ability to reason is the only thing that separates them from all other animals on Earth. Further, if humans have reasoning, it must have emerged from something greater than the mere human of and by itself.
Descartes realized that humans can, if they think hard enough cause actions to come into effect. This hard thinking theory was something I learned early on in life from my mother, she was forever reminding me that, “as you say, as it will be.” Believing that to mean that thoughts could lead to behaviors that could …show more content…

Thoughts have many origins; sights cause thoughts as do inferences, and Descartes even admits to his own thoughts. We see something we want it, that is a thought, we hear something we entertain it and that is a thought as well. All these things are thoughts and they all have origins. But what about a human first thought of God? Descartes was of the belief that this too had to have an origin and that that origin had to come from somewhere. Being aware of the primitive nature of humans, Descartes did not believe that humans could create a supreme-being on their own, there had to be a cause. I think it is here that Descartes realized that even a humans own thoughts had to have some form of a beginning; and that even primitive humans had to have thoughts enlisted in their minds. It all had to start somewhere, and it wasn’t with mere mortals, it had to be from something superior. He believed that superiority was God. Descartes’ understood that “nothing comes from nothing” and something had to interest a primitive human to even entertain a thought of a God who was not only superior to them, but perfect as well. To create a God, who had no beginning and no ending and was perfect, seemed unlikely for a man with no conception or history of occurrence or contact with such a being. Therefore, Descartes’ proclaimed, the first thoughts of God had to come from God

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