
Rene Descartes Discourse On Method Summary

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In conducting his analysis of the fundamentals of thinking, rational thinker René Descartes was led to doubt everything that was part of his knowledge to put aside all prejudices. However, to provisionally guide through life in an ethical manner, He implemented a moral way that he calls the provisional moral.
For Descartes morality and faith are beyond any methodical doubt that you can have as Descartes puts his faith foremost before any method. In his "Discourse on Method", the third part, warns of the need for moral provisional only have three or four maxims which begin later speak.
For the Direction of the Mind Descartes states "All the various sciences are nothing more than human wisdom, which remains one and the same, even when applied …show more content…

Descartes also stresses the avoidance behaviors and extreme behavior always accepting the more moderate by being both the most comfortable.
- The second rule of this moral was to be as firm and resolute that could be in the actions of oneself and accept and defend the dubious opinions if it had been determined as if they were safe. Descartes propose to accept sometimes the opinions that seem likely if we have no safe.
The third rule is to act according to reason rather than self-interest that one person could have. He says if always something that you cannot get the human being cannot be happy ever and always be unhappy desired. Anyway considered to meet this rule entails a great job and a great meditation to get used to seeing things from another perspective than usual. By putting this example, tells how the Greek philosophers know them that their thoughts were exclusively theirs were happy even with earthly limitations had at that time. And they felt richer and more powerful than any other man of his time because they did not want something that was impossible to

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