Representation 'LGBT' in the cinema. From 1970 until today.
1. Hollywood. The big industry, commercial cinema.
It is from the decade of the seventies when there are slight changes in the treatment of the LGBT collective on the scene, until now totally ridiculous.
It coincides with the growth and maturation of the LGBT movement in the United States and later in Europe. For example, "The boys of the band" (1970) or "Cabaret" (1972).
Although this was a 'false alarm', and the productions of the big screen continued to offer a perverse, psychopathic and mindless image of the collective. Examples clear Hollywood son "Windows" (1980) and "On the hunt" (1980). This last one provokes a wave of manifestations of homosexuals in the length of all North
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Homosexuality was a theme that could be equal to drug addiction, crime, "impurities" ...
After the Cautionary, in the decade of the 70 comes the Cinema of Exploitation. Where homosexuality and masculine feminization were represented a lot, because it was very fashionable the figure of the Drag-reina crossing. Many of the productions of this time are related to the Stonewall riots and the protests carried out by a raid on a bar frequented by gays in New York. The best-known work of this genre is Scorpio Rising (1963).
We went to the Alternative Contemporary Cinema. They represent the movement of cultural shock that fought for the rights of the collective, was a strong voice that encouraged such protests. This cinema is closely related to organizations such as "Gay Liberation Front", "Gay Activist Alliance" or the world-famous "Gay Pride".
It is an Underground cinema where several ideological currents have also participated, such as pacifism or feminism. The latter giving great importance to the theme of lesbianism. We emphasize "Multiple orgasm" (1976).
Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey were the most representative directors and producers of the subgenre. We highlight "Heat" (1972), and "Pink Flamingos"