Republic State Of Mind Essay

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Republic State of Mind
(An Analysis of Three Major Themes in Republic)

George R.R. Martin once said: “A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. Each should have its own reward.” In the text Republic Socrates gives a philosophical answer to matters of justice and building the ideal state and individual. His words, recorded by Plato, then paved the way for the rest of western civilization’s thoughts about philosophy. Plato’s Republic outlines some of the most prominent literary themes in historical context. A strong theme found in Plato’s Republic is that of education’s role in a society. Socrates is bent on stressing that education defines an individual. “And what shall be tier education? Can we find a better than the the traditional sort? And this has two divisions, gymnastic for the body, and music for the soul.” Socrates wanted his elite to be educated for beyond academia. He wanted them to know all that is good and beautiful. He …show more content…

One of the most controversial waves Socrates spoke of is that women are ostensibly equal to their male counterparts. He understands that there is a difference in “brute physicality” between men and women, but if given the same education during their formative years, women can potentially outperform men academically. He has absolutely no qualms about a woman being in a leader’s position if she is the smartest and wisest of the people and has their best interests at heart. “I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” (Austen). In this quote from a highly feminist novel, readers can learn how progressive Socrates’s notion of equality was for his time.What Socrates was really trying to get after was abolishing the rules of gender roles to bring the state together in cohabitation of all