Research And Development: The Food Standards Australia And New Zealand

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In order for a company to produce large profit margins and have a competitive edge against other large companies, research and development (R&D) is crucial in order to understand the current market’s needs and wants. states that research and development is ‘the part of a commercial company's activity concerned with applying the results of scientific research to develop new products and improve existing ones R&D’. R&D within the AFI is used by companies to further enhance existing products or to create new ones from scratch. Company’s such as the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) conduct research to help improve productivity and sustainability within the agriculture sector. The Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) also perform consumer and industry research, providing food codes and standards that must be obliged.

Sanitarium claims its ‘enviable reputation within the food industry and the community is a result of its enthusiastic engagement in research, product development and nutrition education within the community.’ Since business commenced in a rented bakery in …show more content…

In the early 1990’s Sanitarium noticed a trend when it came to breakfast consumption, they called it ‘breakfast skipping’. Sanitariums nutritionists and food scientists worked hard to create an innovative breakfast option that was convenient and nutritious for people that skipped breakfast. Research and development became of upmost importance as the balance of taste and nutrition had to be perfect. Trials began and Up&Go’s were sent to a selected handful of everyday consumers. Sensory tests were completed and given back to Sanitarium in order to fine tune their product. In 1998 Up&Go was launched, becoming a world first in its category. In 2012 Sanitarium sold 34 million litres of Up&Go, occupying 99% of the liquid breakfast

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