
Research Argument On NCAA And NFL Three Year Rule

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Research argument on NCAA and NFL three year rule
Football fans around the country spend their Sunday evenings glued to the TV watching Sunday night football. These fans enjoy sitting around the house watching their favorite players on the big screen. Many of the hardcore fans notice these players are older and always get drafted at an older age. That is because the three year rule in set in place, a rule that states athletes are not eligible for a draft until three years after high school. Athletes do not always choose the path of college because they just want to play football as their career, but this rule basically makes them play college ball. It is making many athletes unhappy along with the fans who do not get to see their teams prosper …show more content…

These athletes are special they risk their lives every time the put on that helmet. They decide early in their careers whether they want to be good or not many want to move on to the NFL, but they have to take steps before they reach this level. The NFL “has had some sort of age limit in place since 1921, and the rule has barely shifted in the near-century since. The biggest change came in 1990, when the NFL decided to allow college juniors (or those who had otherwise been out of high school for three years) into the draft pool” (Dickey, 2013, Johnny Manziel could change the NFL’s rules forever). With little change to the rules many athletes take the option of following the rules or choosing a new career. Think about some loopholes these athletes could take, they could come together form a new league where athletes who never wanted to attend college could learn new skills to take to the NFL when they are ready. Athletes could wait until they come of age or they could join college and play for three years, but possibly lose their shot if they are not ready for college …show more content…

Both organisations are afraid that athletes will start going straight to the NFL and will ruin college football forever. Taking the rule away or limiting it, does not mean every athlete will take the road straight to the NFL, for some athletes college helps them get a good education, learn skills the NFL will not provide, and just have the experience of being young. The NFL and NCAA should not have to worry about this in my opinion this will keep college football and professional football much more enjoyable. The NCAA would not lose players because a lot of the good players are really smart and they know they can perform well in the classroom and on the field. In my life I am looking really forward to college because I can start over and begin a new life away from Cortland and many athletes want to do the same. Life for college football coaches and NFL coaches would change forever if the three year rule was lifted or modified. Maybe it will change for the better, but I understand why these coaches are scared of losing their players straight to the NFL. Football is dangerous and if the athletes do get injured enough that they can no longer come back to the NFL, having that college education will help them return to school, finish, and get a new good paying job. So the rules should not be lifted completely, but modified to fix everyones concerns and

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