
Research Paper On Abortion

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Is Abortion The Best Decision? Abortion in United States has been, and remains one of the most controversial issues in our culture, religion, and politics. Abortion is an intentional termination of human pregnancy; performed during the first twenty four weeks of the fetus. Abortion has two types of treatments: medical, and surgical abortion. In the early 20th century, abortion was illegal, and it was punished with jail. Since 1973, the supreme court in Roe v. Wade established that abortion is a women’s right. Today, the percentage of people that are against, and in favor of abortion are almost the same. Each one of our thoughts are clearly defined, depending on how we have been raised; the religion we may have, and some circumstances as rape, …show more content…

The first type of abortion is the medical abortion, called “natural process,” that involves taking medication to cause an early miscarriage. The first type of abortion, during the first ten weeks, the mother can experience: cramping, pain, and heavy bleeding; during the first twenty four weeks, it causes the womb to contract, and push out the baby. The second type of abortion is the surgical abortion, a quick minor operation. The second type of abortion, during the first fourteen weeks, it removes the baby by a gentle suction with local anesthesia; during the first twenty four weeks, it removes the baby by using narrow forceps passed through the neck of the womb, and some gentle suction with general …show more content…

Some states included provisions; allowing abortion in limited circumstances. This was done generally to protect the women's life, or to terminate pregnancies arising from rape, or incest. Even though, abortion was penalized, it continued to occur. Killing many women like Gerri Santoro that died trying to obtain an illegal abortion, and her photo became the symbol of the pro-choice movement. In 1973, the Supreme Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade established the right to have abortion; performed prior to the point of viability, at 24 weeks. The central thrust of Roe v. Wade, was that women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. Fetuses, prior to viability, do not have rights. Therefore, until the fetus is old enough to have rights of its own, the woman's decision takes precedence over the interests of the fetus. Today, abortion in United States is legal, but it is not necessarily available in every state. Individual states can limit the use of abortion, or create “trigger laws,” which it would make it illegal. In 2015, the CNN Poll showed that America became more Pro-Life, against abortion, with the fifty eight percent; on the other hand, Pro-choice, in favor of abortion, with the thirty nine percent. Pro-Life, and Pro-choice are well defined, and each of them have their own essential opinion about abortion. What are the reasons that make us Pro-Life, or Pro-choice? Are we correct in

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