
Research Paper On Brown Vs Board Of Education

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Brown vs. Board of Education The Brown Vs. Board of Education was successful when it comes to desegregation and improving the lives of African Americans in the United States. Throughout the history of the nation, we can see so many crazed events and suggested ideas tangled within: segregation, racism, classism and more all can be observed in American society. The Brown vs. Board of Education decision successfully supported African Americans educational goals and the remains of their ‘resented social status’ which overall resulted in unmeasurable contributions to mainstream culture. In the early development of the United States, African Americans were the most discriminated against. Which further made it harder for them to get the support for life that they needed. White people in society would see them as tap dancers, …show more content…

Some may say the Brown Vs. Board of Education did not supply enough benefit or change towards the African Americans living in the U.S., however, this civil rights movement gave them opportunities, such as voting, that would have never been thought of before. African Americans obtained more rights and faster as the movement for civil rights continued. According to Richard Kluger, the idea that desegregation proceeded at a rapid pace in numerous different categories of life is completely valid. We can see that the idea took place in many places such as restaurants, amusement parks, and streetcars. These were all places where different races combined and interacted. The decisions involved in the movement towards civil rights played an important role in the desegregation of schools and supported the ideas of equal educational resources towards African American students. The lives of these American citizens have changed drastically from their normal day to day lives. Schools opened to educate African American

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