
Research Paper On Dantes Inferno

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From 1265­1321 lived a great philosopher, scholar, and poet who was born in Florence Italy. This man was Dante Alighieri. Dante didn't only write The Inferno, but he also wrote The Divine Comedy which was an epic poem that described a Christian's point of view on mankind's fate. The epic was written due to the loss of his beloved Beatrice whom he fell deeply in love with at the early age of nine. After her death he wrote another book called Vita Nuova (New Life) that describes his long lasting love for Beatrice. Later on in his life he got sucked into the political troubles of Florence that eventually caused him to be exiled by the Black Guelphs. After everything he went through with the exile, war, and his losses he finally sat down and wrote …show more content…

In the beginning of the comedy he meets his guide who will walk him through Hell and that man was Virgil, another poet just like Dante. While going through Hell, Dante meets friends and foes just like Virgil but also experiences the depths of Hell that oozed through his mind with every image he drew in. Unfortunately, half way through Hell he discovers that if Virgil continues on, he will have to stay in the level he stops at for all eternity. To wrap up the lurid comedy, Dante and Virgil reach the last circle of Hell that holds the monstrous Satan who has three heads and is submerged up to his waist in ice. After his visit with Satan, Dante climbs down him as if he were a ladder then ends up climbing back up him. While climbing back up Dante's last words were "And we walked out once more beneath the Stars." To come to the end of this comedy, there must be a start and that start wasn't very smooth. In canto one Dante is confronted with internal and external problems that can relate to ones personal struggles and struggles as a whole …show more content…

He also tells Dante that he must go this way because if he were to try to go through the She­ Wolf that he too would perish. In a symbolic meaning the She­Wolf is just another bump in the road that everyone needs to go through to reach a goal. In order to reach it one must use their "Greyhound" to chase it away for eternity. The She­Wolf might come back but one must repeat again until that theoretical She­Wolf is gone forever.
The day before Winter Break sophomore year, I had a similar encounter that caused me both internal and external problems. I was sitting in my A.P World History class when two seniors came in and asked the instructor if they could loiter in his classroom. Of course,the teacher said yes but when he said that one word, it lead to something I will regret for the rest of my life. A girl that sat next to me at the time responded to the two boys that sat behind her with a smirky remark saying "Yeah but you can't sit behind

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