
Research Paper On Fear Of Fear

597 Words3 Pages
Most people are scared of snakes or heights, but the fear I got most people don't understand. When I tell them what i'm scared of most people ask why, what happen or how I feel when I see them. When I see them and they get around me I tend to have a strong reaction, but they way that I first got this fear would explain why I react the way I do.
When I was around 5, I was outside playing with my cousins and a ladybug landed on me. Everyone told me that it was good luck and I believed them until the day my mom asked me to do something for her. When I was 8 my mom asked me to get the mail from the mailbox for her. I went down to the mailbox and saw that it was covered with ladybugs. It seemed like I was staring at them and they were staring at
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