Research Paper On Night By Elie Wiesel

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Elie Wiesel was a survivor of the holocaust, nobel peace prize winner, and an author of many books including ‘Night’. Night is about Elie's experiences in Auschwitz. Elies spent nearly one year in the concentration camp, he was deported in May of 1944 and was liberated in April of 1945. Elie throughout his teenage years had an up and down relationship with his faith. Elie's faith before the concentration camps was very strong, he was very concerned about his studies of his faith. During his time in concentration camps his faith was weak from all he and what he has witnessed others endured. When he was in the death march his faith was faint and during liberation it was still weak but it was starting to increase. After the holocaust his faith …show more content…

At first he and most of the others thought that this was just God testing them or punishing them for their sins ‘God is testing us. He wants to see whether we are capable of overcoming our base instincts, of killing the Satan within ourselves. We have no right to despair. And if He punishes us mercilessly, it is a sign he loves us much more …’(45). Elie started to lose his faith after he witnessed the hanging of the pipel. A man asked after the hanging ‘For God's sake, where is God’(65) and inwardly Elies answers ‘Where He is? This is where hanging here from this gallows…’. Elie's faith continues to weaken while he is in the camp. His faith weakens from seeing so many people dying or dead. From seeing him and others starving, from seeing people abandon their family and friends for their own survival. Elie keep his faith God by being surrounded by death and suffering that seemingly God is …show more content…

The Rabbi’s son abandoned his father during the march, running faster to put distance between them. So because of this and in spite of Elie losing his faith he sent a prayer to God ‘Oh God, master of the universe, give me the strength to never do what Rabbi Eliahu’s son has done’(91). His father died a little later in January. Elie felt that his life didn't matter after that, so he did not speak of it. On April 11th liberation came and no one thought of revenge they only thought of food. After liberation his faith was probably still rocky. At that point Elie probably did begin the journey of regaining his